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Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Hello Kitty is not a cat" Sanrio president affirms

Quated from http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140904-00000049-tospoweb-ent

"It's not a cat actually! Was a girl" Sanrio characters that stole the topic all over the world as "Hello Kitty" has appeared in the premiere animated film "Nutcracker" (29 published Nov.).

Kitty, corresponding to the coverage enclose with Shintaro Tsuji
(86), president of "Sanrio".

Questions fly about the controversy involving the world, the president was flatly declared "Hello Kitty is not a cat," he said.

"Kitty-chan also Mickey also are purely nothing but idle."

Kitty stared at the next round eyes.

It is a fantasy answer that does not break the dreams of children.
President's elderly quite another, but he said in a smooth tone.

In addition, with respect to this film, Tsuji president referred to the movie Frozen which was a big hit in Japan.

The president commented that "We are hoping that this film will hit in the same way as Frozen".

Personal Impressions
There are many women love Hello Kitty.
Because I am male, I do not know the feeling they'll love the Kitty.
I wonder there is something to attract women.

end here.

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