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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Shinju Ozawa first child girl birth

 The 28th, Shinju Ozawa (37) of the actress
gave birth to a first child girls. The 29th,
She made ​​it clear in the face book of her own.

Reported as " Yesterday, 

I gave birth to a girl safely.
We are healthy both
mother and child"

Spelled the excitement of birth
"cry of first word is also a very fine,
as soon as I heard the voice,
did not stop the tears overflowing" She said.

Shinju became a mother,
 "I feel happy and really looking at 

the sleeping face of the daughter,
I forget about the passage of time.
I think the future is very hard,
and I want to strive to work in child care
so that it can become a strong mom" 

she said, deepened awareness as mother.

For this article, my impressions.
Happy enough to forget about the time,
I also want to feel it someday.

This article end here.

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